Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Introduction to Ceramics, Failure of Administrators

The DS-lovin' part of the blogosphere has been chattering this week about Eliza Schaff. She is a young woman with Down Syndrome that took an Introduction to Ceramics class and was removed from the class by school administrators - with just two classes left!

As more children are included in our schools as they grow up, we need to be prepared to offer them the chance to continue their education and pursue their interests as adults. So what do you think? There are several ways to think about this, and lots of points to ponder.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dreams & Opportunities

I dream of what the future holds for our family, of what paths each of the kiddos will choose. I've got to confess that I worry a bit about what opportunities will be available to Ainsley. I read about a young man who is working at a hospital. He's not a nurse or a doctor. But seeing him there, talking with families and showing them around may help ease some of their fears more than anything that is said to them during the actual appointment.

Hooray for Ben! I hope that more opportunities like these are available to our fabulous kiddos!