Friday, January 15, 2010

New year, and half a year

We couldn't believe how fast 2009 went by. Adrian & I became and uncle & aunt and Gavin & Ainsley got their first cousin in March when Chase was born. The best part of the year was when we welcomed Skylar into the family in July. Ainsley learned to walk. Gavin learned to play soccer. Ainsley lead our biggest team yet at the Buddy Walk. Gavin started Kindergarten. Adrian continues to grow his business and took over as V.P. of the Litchfield Chamber of Commerce. It was a very good year!!

We all had great birthdays, though some of us handled it better than others. OK...everyone handled it better than I did. I turned 30 and didn't enjoy it at all. A few months in, it's not such a big deal anymore. Though I miss being able to say that I'm a "twenty-something," turning the big 3-0 hasn't been bad. Ainsley had a rough birthday as that was the day that we discovered her allergy to cashews. She had half a cashew and her little body blew up like a balloon. Poor girl! After some tests, we found that she also has allergies to walnuts and egg whites.

Today, Skylar is 6 months old. Half a year. Having 3 little ones is keeping us busy. For now, we've settled into a new rhythm of life with a kindergartener, a toddler, and a baby. And life is good!!

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